Why Flamenco does not come from India. 

Why Flamenco does not come from India.

“Flamenco comes from India”.  I have heard this said so many times over the years.  Every time I hear it I think it is such a simplistic statement.  It shows how little information there is about the origin of this beautiful art form we all love so much.

We all know that Indian Kathak and Bharatanatyam dances have footwork, very different footwork technique to flamenco, but footwork.  Despite that, Kathak as we know it today was developed in the courts of the Mogul…

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Descanse en Paz, Manolete 

No recuerdo bien la fecha exacta, fue una noche de febrero del año 2003. En el City Center de Nueva York se celebró la Gala de Andalucía dentro del marco del New York Flamenco Festival con un elenco de ensueño: Farruquito, Farru, Juana Amaya, Manuel Soler, Antonio Canales y Manolete. ¡Cinco generaciones de geniales bailaores en un mismo espectáculo! 

Los Farrucos fueron auténticas gacelas en su dueto. Me impresionó, y aún recuerdo como si hubiese sido ayer, verlos recorrer diagonales en el amplio escenario…

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René Robert, the photographer of the Flamencos 

A man falls in a busy Parisian Street in the evening. The cause is unknown. Did he feel dizzy, slip, or faint unconscious? Passers-by are so busy, wrapped up in their evening plans, going back home after work, excited to watch their favorite TV show streaming on the internet, or immersed in their cellphones. None of them, nobody stops to show any concern for this man lying on the sidewalk. Nobody wants to get involved and alter their plans for the night. 

His body is still there after nine hours, a homeless…

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René Robert, el fotógrafo de los Flamencos 

Un hombre cae en la calle en una bulliciosa noche parisina. No se sabe por qué, un mareo, resbaló, calló inconsciente. Los viandantes están todos muy ocupados con sus planes para esa noche, volviendo a casa del trabajo, cenar, ver un nuevo capítulo de su serie favorita en internet, o enfrascados en sus teléfonos móviles. Ninguno de ellos, nadie se para para interesarse por ese señor tirado en la acera. Nadie quiere involucrarse y posponer sus planes para esa noche. 

Tras nueve horas inmóvil una persona sin…

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Happy New Year! ¡Feliz 2022! 

¡Feliz Año Nuevo mis amigas y amigos!

(Traducción al español más abajo) 

I really hope 2022 comes filled with joy, fortune, love and above all good health for you and your loved ones. 

Here is a video from 14 years ago!!! Time flies by!! This was a show by my band “Gazpacho Andalú” at the Bronx Public Library with dear friends: Arturo Martinez on guitar, dancer and cantaora Barbara Martinez, Antonio De Vivo on percussion and backing vocals, Gary Raheb on Cuban tres and Sean Kupisz on electric bass. 


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Pepa de Benito-"Yo Vengo de Utrera" (Bulerías Romanceadas) 

Her full name was Josefa Peña Reyes (Utrera, 1937-11/7/2016), she was part of a deeply rooted Utrera and Lebrija gypsy family. Her grandfather was Fernando Peña Soto, the legendary “Pinini”, who is mentioned in many stanzas of the traditional flamenco styles originated in this area of Andalusia. He himself is attributed the creation of a form of cantiñas. Pepa is also first cousins with the great Fernanda and Bernarda de Utrera, and the siblings Pedro and Inés Bacán, guitarist and singer respectively, from…

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Alonso Núñez “Rancapino Chico” y Manuel Jero (Seguiriya). 


Alonso Núñez “Rancapino Chico” y Manuel Jero (Seguiriya).

(English translation below)


Alonso Núñez “Rancapino Chico” es hijo del gran cantaor de Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz, Alonso Núñez “Rancapino”. Siendo así, es poseedor de una herencia cantaora de raigambre. Su padre era gran amigo del legendario Camarón de la Isla y compañero suyo de correrías juveniles y flamencas, especialmente en la Venta Vargas, en San Fernando, donde comenzaron sus primeras experiencias como cantaores.

Estas son las…

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Introduction to flamenco. 

Flamenco is a music and dance form that originated in Andalusia, in the south of Spain about 200 years ago. It's an art form that reflects the actual melting pot Andalusia is, a land in which we historically can find, Celtic, Iberian, Tartessian, Greek, Roman, Visigothic, Arab, Moorish, Castillian, Jewish, Black-African, Latin-American and Gypsy influences. It encompasses a great number of styles with different origins, melodies, rhythms and types of verses or stanzas.  

Each flamenco style is called a…

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Homenaje a Triana. 

"What are they singing here? What type of bulerías are these?" That is what a friend and flamenco dancer asked me the other day. It turned out that finding an answer led me into a far deeper analysis than she was asking for. My research inspired me to write this article. First, let’s have a look at the video she was talking about.


This is a very enjoyable number by dancer Pastora Galván (http://www.pastoragalvan.com/) with ¡mucho arte!  You should also note that there is not a single…

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Manuel Torre. The singer of the black sounds. 

Manuel Torre.  The singer of the black sounds. 

(Manuel Soto Loreto.  Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), 1878-Sevilla, 1933)


I’m going through a phase in which I can only listen to Manuel Torre.  Every time I listen to his recordings I find a new reason to go back to him, a new turn of his voice that I didn’t notice before.  The lack of high fidelity in those recordings doesn’t bother me at all because Manuel Torre was one of the most enigmatic figures of flamenco history and that is clear in those sounds…

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